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Friday, March 26, 2010

2010 Arizona Wildflower Hot Spots

A few years ago I posted a wildflower link on our site and was surprised at the email and response we got! So here goes another for 2010.
So have you been looking for areas to photograph wildflowers and found them scarce? With all the rain we have had in AZ this year and cooler temps...one can find wildflowers. Since we specialize in the Bradshaw Mountain Range I pretty much stick to these areas... but recently made a quick trip to the Bartlett Lake area to look for poppies. They have been very scarce in the lower Bradshaw’s this year. I found a few blooms east of Humbug Creek near Tule ghost ranch. Now is the time to be out and one can follow the blooms up the Bradshaw Range as the weather warms. Just above Black Canyon City is where the "happening" ends right now.

Old New River Road area.

Places to look for wildflowers

  • Look west of I17 on the Carefree Hwy. for tons of blue dicks. The scorpion tail is thick in here also. 

  • Go to Bartlett Lake for poppies as well as the Superior area.

  • New River road off west of I 17 has lupine.

  • Between Wickenburg and Phx is also a good place for brittle bush as well as west Carefree Hwy.

Watch for rattlesnakes and have fun!

Chia near Bartlett Lake. Can also be found along the
2009 gas line areas near Black Canyon City.

Blue dicks and scorpion tail near Lake Pleasant Carefree Hwy.

Create your own unique Composition. Near Lake Pleasant Outdoor Center.

Poppies and Chia naer Bartlett Lake.

Near the town Carefree AZ.

Near Lake Pleasant.

Friday, March 5, 2010

AZ Indian Mesa ...what a place!

Recently I had a chance to take a group to this great Indian ruin with amazing views! Not much has changed and thats good. We get email asking us for directions to this high mesa ruin often.

When Lake Pleasant lake water is low, from PHX travel north on I 17 and exit west on Table Mesa Rd. Follow it down to the park road closure and from here one must hike into the Agua Fria River downstream past Bolder Creek and exit the river on the north west side on Old Table Mesa RD.
 Follow Table Mesa Rd uphill for about a mile and a half until you top out at the saddle. Here turn south and climb a trail to Indian Mesa. Sometimes trailhead rock markers mark this location. Another 1/2 mile to go.

During the winter when Lake Pleasant waters are high and the Agua Fria River is flooded travel behind Lake Pleasant on Cow Creek Rd. Follow Cow Creek road past the old Castle Hot Spring landing strip (now where ATV riders stage for the Crown King ride) and turn right on the road that leads to Humbug Creek (signed). Follow this road all the way past Humbug Creek to the previously mentioned saddle.

Here again follow the trail uphill. There is only one way into this well protected fort and it is accessed on the south west side of the mesa.

I hope I helped and let us know how about your adventuer 

Old Table Mesa traveling up toward the saddle trailhead.
New River Mountains and I 17 in background.

                                                         The trail uphill to Indian Mesa.

Only way into the ruin.

Stone walls.

The views.

In the ground matate.

Shards litter the ground.

Treat our cultural wonders with respect.

Complete Hohokam house with out roof.

                               J. Harkin photo.

Travel safe and smart and photograph well....Mark

Different antler day

Came across a deer the other day where the antler almost touched.
Took awhile to get close enough with a Canon 70 - 200 f2.8 IS lens.
He knew something was up and shortly after this image was made he took off.
Should have brought a bigger lens with that day.
Lesson learned. Photograph well. 
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Natalie Johnson Wins the CMSA Desert Classic 2010

I’ve known Natalie Johnson and her family since she was a wrangler in the CMSA sport. Boy she sure has come a long way and recently at the 2010 CMSA Desert Classic in AZ, she won!

This girl can ride and shoot!

Several years ago the Johnson family was in a terrible automobile accident. The CMSA family gathered and prayed for them and they recovered. It’s cool to see Natalie become a beautiful young woman. Congratulations Natalie!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

WinterRange 2010 What Fun!!

Well if you missed this year’s Winter range you missed a good one! Over 700 people from all over our great nation flocked to shoot, get warm and step back into the old west for a week. Winter range is a SASS shoot located near Phoenix AZ in February each year. I’ve written several articles about this great match in Guns of the Old West magazine. Here are a few pics from the Mr. Quigley Photography team!
See u next year!