The Adventures of Mr. Quigley Photography

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Camofauge for Camera Len's

Pelicans hanging out in CO.

If you are a wildlife photographer and you use a Canon pro lens... well you could have a problem.
As you already know, Canon builds their pro len's, in the color white. When pursuing wildlife that see in color, like birds...these len's stick out like a soar thumb. Birds see in color better then humans and in some cases, with a heightened sense of sharpness and color. So here is a solution. Grab a can of black spray paint and walla... paint that pretty white lens black like Nikon's or others. Just kidding here guys.
 Another better solution is to buy a product called, Lens Coat. They make use full Neoprene Lens Covers that fit a variety of lens's. About a hundred bucks will get you one.

Photo by
Lens Coat Neoprene Lens Covers

They also make several other useful products for photographers.

What I do is to wrap my lens with a camo tape.

I use a different method that is cheaper and works well for bird photography. I like to wrap my len's in a camo type of duck tape. About $13.00 will buy you a roll, enough to do a couple of lens and other assorted wrapping. This is a soft, stretchy, reusable tape and will not stick to a lens only its self. It can improve your grip on a lens. It is mainly used by hunters for wrapping firearms. I use it myself for this purpose. If you want to try this method, go to a gun store and buy a product called McNett Camo Form. Here is the link.
It comes in different colors and I like their digital camo, similar to the pattern the military currently uses.

 Another is that it has a very unique smell. Yep it stinks! But in a few hours the smell goes away. Luckily birds don't smell well except's and vultures... that is.
Back on topic!
Again this stuff is self sticking but will not cling to your lens surface. It needs to be overlapped onto itself.

                              Measure the parts you wish to camo. Then cut out with a sharp scissors.

What I do is carefully measure and cut the pieces with a sharp scissors. I do this in parts.

                                                                    Wrapping the lens.

I next carefully cut out ahead of time, the little focus and dial windows that I will need to access, then I wrap those parts into place thus leaving the dials exposed.  Next finish the other portions of your lens and your done.

Remember to cut a hole for your tripod mount.

Check to see that you can zoom and focus as well as... use other controls on your lens. If you use tele-converters for your photography, they also be easily wrapped.

Tele-converters can be wrapped also.

I do recommend if you are a wedding photographer remove the camo before the wedding. Looks better for you. Take the pieces and store them in a zip lock bag and label the bag with a sharpie, as to what lens the camo goes to. Reinstall as needed. By the way I have no ties to McNett just in case you were wondering.

The finished look.

You can also wrap other photographic tools.

Have fun bird photographers and shoot well!  Mark