"Advertuers of Mr. Quigley Photography"

"Advertuers of Mr. Quigley Photography"
Welcome to the travels and adventures of Mr Quigley Photography

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mr. Quigley Photography receives two awards

Mr Quigley Photography Awards

This year we were recognized by two different organizations for our photographic work for them over the years. First we have been the Ruger Firearms Company photographer for many years. Our images have been used to show off their fine products in yearly catalogs, trade shows and ads in various shooting magazines.

 Ruger awarded Mr. Quigley Photography with a firearm and the top company executives presented them with a framed certificate at the Prescott AZ plant. We are proud to accept both and have already enjoyed shooting the new firearm. Thank you Ruger!

Also this year SASS, The Single Action Shooting Society, presented our company with another precious award. Below is part of what they said.
 For the last 13 years Mr Quigley Photography has been the official photographer for SASS. Their images have been used to illustrate monthly articles in our magazine as well as books They continue to photograph our shooters at events all over the world. Their images are simply spectacular!

We wanted to also express our appreciation to SASS and the Ruger Firearm Company for recognizing our efforts and contributions and thank both for using our services.